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Announcing Issue 17 of Ancrages !

Moncton, September 19, 2018 [lire le communiqué en français] – Ancrages is very happy to announce the launch of its 17th issue, Creating Community. Published for the very first time in three languages – French, English and Mi’kmaq –, this online issue features stories by the New Brunswick writers who took part in the Creating Community tour in November and December of 2017 : Muhammad Al-Digeil, Sébastien Bérubé, Elizabeth Blanchard, Paul Bossé, Gerard Collins, Phyllis Grant, Brigitte LavalléeSheedy Petit Jean, Beth Powning, Shelby « Beaatz » Sappier, Raymond Sewell and Lee Thompson.

The authors featured here are part of New Brunswick’s French, English, Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik and immigrant communities. Last winter, as the first snowflakes flew over the province’s roadways, we had the great privilege of spending some time with these artists both on and off the stage. A few months have passed since our last show in Fredericton – enough for those snowflakes to have melted quite some time ago, but not nearly enough for the memories to fade. We asked the authors to write about their experience, and you can read all about it in a feature titled Looking Back on the Experience.

Those of you who would like to know more about how Creating Community came to be may wish to read this issue’s introductory text by Jean-Pierre Caissie, the project’s initiator. Sonya Malaborza, the project coordinator, offers some thoughts on the important role played by literary translation in a contribution titled Translating Community.

As with our previous issue, Déversements, dedicated to a literary performance called Fuites, les pipelines se couchent à l’est, volume 17 of Ancrages contains video clips shot during a live onstage performance of Creating Community. With the help of a stellar team of translators, the texts in this issue are available in French, English and Mi’kmaq. This is Ancrages’ first undertaking of this scale in the field of translation.

We hope the contents of this issue will allow you to make some wonderful discoveries and that you will be inspired to share your experience of community with us.

Happy reading !

The Editorial Team


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